Monday, July 18

My butterfly moments

It’s sort of a weekend ritual for me – go to my favorite coffee shop, order my hot frothy coffee and sit down in a quiet corner. The favorite one too, especially when I experience my ‘Butterfly Moments.’

These moments have become very precious for me - they are moments of reflection, moments of gentle thought towards all things sugar n spice, also the moments of inspiration. The inspiration may be from observing a person, from the lovely, old couple enjoying their coffee together, from love-birds playing footsie, or from a song playing on the radio. I may meet someone and share a smile or a word with them, that conversation may also inspire.

They are always genuine. Beautiful and graceful, colorful and vibrant, varied and enchanting, small yet approachable, random and so powerful that I always end up smiling. Very much like butterflies that lead you to the sunny side of life. Hence, the name :)

One of such moments inspired me to write again – for I realized there is so much to share! I’ve realized that life always seems so very busy - if we don’t stop to ponder, so much may pass by unnoticed. I’ve also realized that I would not my want my precious moments to fade into the morning air as I wake up, or that at some point I just can’t hang on to their meanings.

Here’s to some of those beautiful reminiscences. After all, everyone deserves a little sunshine!


  1. Why don't you rechristen your name for the new look... for the first post dedicated here, for the first beautiful moment shared here... and above all for the cute butterfly thats flying on this page.. its so cute, so artistic.. Did you draw it? How did you get it here?

  2. @Nicky: Guess you know me to well! I tried changing the name, but always came back to this one - it's so real and close to me. And, the butterfly is originally a template, I just edited it a bit :)
